Equalities conference 2016
The equalities conference 2016 will:
• help organisations understand the impact of loneliness and isolation
• explain how loneliness and isolation can affect members of equality communities
• identify different approaches to helping people overcome isolation and loneliness
• enable people to identify those at risk of isolation and give them tools to assist.
The conference will cover:
• BME groups who lack contact with other people from their cultural background
• partners of migrant workers who find it hard to build social networks
• LGBT individuals who sense or fear hostility in their local area
• carers who spend most of their time caring and have lost their social networks
• people who belong to a minority faith and struggle to find fellow believers in the area
• disabled individuals who have difficulty getting out of the house and making friends.
You should attend the conference if you are:
• a voluntary organisation which provides a service to vulnerable people
• an employer which brings in staff from overseas and/or is aware of staff who have caring responsibilities
• a provider of statutory services to the public
• a social housing provider
• a district, town or parish councilor
• representing a local church
You can register to attend this free conference online at: www.southglos.gov.uk/equalitiesconference or by calling 01454 863868. |