The strategy has been developed under the guardianship of the South Gloucestershire Partnership, the local strategic partnership set up in 2002. The partnership brings together many different organisations to work with the community to identify and tackle key issues in a more co-ordinated way which enables both strategic decisions and local action. It is committed to addressing the issues that local communities feel are important to their social, economic and environmental well-being in a way which draws on the energy and expertise of all in our communities.
The strategy was reviewed and refreshed in 2016.
The strategy aims to find the best ways of meeting today’s requirements without damaging the ability of future generations to meet their needs and is committed to making sure that in 2036 South Gloucestershire is a place where everyone is fulfilling their potential and experiencing an excellent quality of life.
There are four key priority areas which intertwine as it is recognised that all aspects of life are inter-related. They have been divided up for ease of reading. There are also cross cutting values which affect and influence all aspects of the Strategy and it’s implementation.
This strategy sets the direction for the work of the partners and the context for many other strategies and plans.
If you have any questions about the strategy or would like any more information, please do not hesitate to contact strategy&
Sustainable Community Strategy 2016
Historic documents