Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS) 2021-25
This is the South Gloucestershire JHWS for 2021-25.
This strategy should be used by community organisations and other partners to identify and align actions, influence decision making and enable them to work closely with the Board.
The updated vision of the JHWS, emphasising a focus on reducing inequalities and a local South Gloucestershire ‘place-based’ approach, which is owned by all members of the HWB, is as follows:
All people in South Gloucestershire have the best start in life, live healthy and happy lives and age well in supportive, sustainable communities. Service partners will work with residents and service users to provide accessible and compassionate services. People will feel encouraged, enabled, and inspired to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing.
We will work with partners at a local community, South Gloucestershire ‘place’, and wider health and care system level to recognise and reduce inequalities in South Gloucestershire. This will help us to do the best for our communities and support people to lead their best, healthiest lives. Eliminating inequalities will be everyone’s business.
The Strategy is available to view here: