Tobacco control in South Gloucestershire – strategy consultation: ends 16 May 2016

South Gloucestershire Council is consulting on a draft Tobacco Control Strategy. As a key stakeholder you may be interested in commenting on the proposals or please cascade the information to other interested parties. A summary of the draft strategy is attached and you can access the accompanying survey and full strategy from the consultation webpage:

Tobacco use remains one of our most significant public health challenges. One in two people who use tobacco will die as a direct consequence of its use. Whilst smoking rates have declined over recent decades, tobacco use in South Gloucestershire remains around 14% or just under 30,000 smokers.

A call to action
The health burden: tobacco use is the single greatest cause of preventable death in England, killing over 80,000 people per year:
Health inequalities: higher smoking prevalence is strongly correlated with areas of socio-economic deprivation:
Costs to society: it is estimated that smoking costs South Gloucestershire £57.5 million a year:

Delivering the strategy
This three year strategy sets out a range of actions across the following three themes: Prevention – Protection – Cessation
Please refer to the full, draft Tobacco Control Strategy for further details and actions on these themes.

Find out more and have your say
We welcome comments on the draft Tobacco Control Strategy between 21st March and the 16th May 2016.
You can find out more and tell us your views by:
• Completing the survey: online or print off the paper version via the consultation webpage
• Email:
• Write to: FREEPOST RTCT-JXLE-EETT, South Gloucestershire Council, Corporate Research & Consultation Team, Tobacco Control Strategy Consultation, Civic Centre, High Street, Kingswood, BRISTOL, BS15 9TR
• Phone: 01454 868195