… before the closure of the consultation. Please make your views on housing and transport in the area known
West of England Joint Planning – Joint Spatial Plan: Issues and Options
This consultation is open from 9 Nov 2015 at 10:00 to 29 Jan 2016 at 17:00.
We want to let you know that you still have time to help shape future housing and transport development in the West of England.
Thank you if you have already taken part in our consultation which has been running since 9 November 2015 and closes on Friday 29 January.
The local councils of Bath & North East Somerset, Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are seeking people’s views on how and where new homes and transport should be provided over the next 20 years.
The West of England is growing and economically successful: the area is worth around £26bn a year to the UK economy, and around 95,000 new jobs are targeted to be created by 2036. Estimates state that the area needs at least 85,000 new and affordable homes by 2036, which is 29,000 more than currently planned and predicted.
Please make sure you take part in this important debate and provide your views by joining the consultation.
You can give your views by taking part in our online surveys available from our website: www.jointplanningwofe.org.uk
or you can email comments direct to: comment@jointplanningwofe.org.uk
You can also write to us at: West of England Joint Planning Consultation, c/o South Gloucestershire Council, PO Box 299, Corporate Research and Consultation Team, Civic Centre, High Street, Kingswood, Bristol, BS15 0DR.
The closing date for responses is 29 January 2016.
If you have any questions please email comment@jointplanningwofe.org.uk or ring one of the following numbers, depending on which local authority area is relevant to you:
– Bath and North East Somerset – 01225 477548
– Bristol – 0117 903 6725
– North Somerset – 01934 426775
– South Gloucestershire – 01454 863469
Further information is also available at: www.jointplanningwofe.org.uk
Participate in this consultation
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