Residents across South Gloucestershire, Bristol and North Somerset are being invited to have their say on pharmacy services in the region.
The three local authorities are consulting to ensure services are meeting the needs of local people and identify any gaps. All residents are encouraged to comment by completing an online survey. The consultation launches today (4 Sept) and runs until 27 November.
Councillor Erica Williams, Executive Member for Public Health and Housing, said: “Pharmacies provide an important service for everyone. We are keen that our residents have their say on the future of these services especially around what is working well, and where there might be gaps. This is your opportunity to share your views.”
Professor Mark Pietroni, Director of Public Health at South Gloucestershire Council, said “Our pharmacies are an important part of the health service, not only for medications but also in providing valuable advice. We now have several Health Living Pharmacies who support their local communities with additional services such as support to quit smoking, and more pharmacies are working with us to become a Healthy Living Pharmacy.
“In addition, many pharmacies also offer routine vaccinations, which with the upcoming flu season helps to improve access and uptake of these vital services.”
People’s views and opinions are vital in helping to ensure that good quality, cost-effective pharmacy services are delivered to residents. These views will help to develop a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA), which will look at the need for pharmacy services in the area, the level and accessibility of pharmacy services and how these will be maintained and developed in the future. There is a statutory duty to deliver a PNA every three years.
The PNA will be used by the NHS to make decisions when applications are received for new pharmaceutical services to open. The PNA will also be a useful source of information for the commissioning of other services that could be delivered by community pharmacies and other providers. South Gloucestershire Council and the NHS South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group are the commissioners for these services.
The consultation is open now until 27 November.
If you are a South Gloucestershire resident please visit www.southglos.gov.uk/consultation
If you are a Bristol resident please visit www.bristol.gov.uk/pna
If you are a North Somerset resident please visit www.n-somerset.gov.uk/pnaconsultation