Hannah Mahoney – Vice Chair

Chief Executive Officer, CVS South Gloucestershire

Hannah has over twenty years of experience working with marginalised communities, spanning areas such as homelessness, mental health, social care, criminal justice, and complex needs.  For the last fifteen years, her focus has been on addressing the systemic issues which contribute to marginalisation through leading partnership-driven systems change projects and providing consultancy services to individual organisations.

An experienced programme manager and charity executive, Hannah specialises in co-production, partnership development, managing complexity, and systems changes.  Hannah is currently the CEO at CVS South Gloucestershire, is vice chair of the Safer Stronger Communities Strategic Partnership and the Resilience Forum, is an Associate Consultant in systems change and EDI, and is a co-founder of the Bristol branch of the Systems Innovation Network, a global community of change-makers.  Hannah has also previously been an award winner of the Howard League for Penal Reform and has co-authored an academic article on co-production.